Welcome to Paradym Health Inc’s Privacy Policy.

Effective Date: 15th May, 2024

What does this Privacy Policy Cover?

Paradym Health Inc respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your Personal Data. We want to be transparent with you about how we collect and use your Personal Data in making available the website, www.paradymhealth.com (the “Site”), the Paradym mobile application (the “Application”), and the “Clinician platform”, (the “Platform”) which refers to our hybrid care delivery platform, and tell you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

With that in mind, this Privacy Policy is designed to describe:

  • Who we are and how to contact us.
  • Your rights relating to your Personal Data.
  • Marketing communications preferences.
  • What Personal Data we collect.
  • How we use your Personal Data and why.
  • What happens when you do not provide necessary Personal Data.
  • How we use cookies and other tracking or profiling technologies.
  • Who we share your Personal Data with.
  • How we keep your Personal Data secure.
  • How long we store your Personal Data.
  • Our policy on children.
  • Third party links.

This Privacy Policy aims to give you information on how Paradym Health Inc collects and processes your Personal Data through your use of Paradym Health’s Site, Application and the Clinician platform, including any data you may provide through this Site or Application or the Guided Process Programme.

The Privacy Policy is intended to meet our duties of Transparency under the retained EU law version of the “General Data Protection Regulation” (EU) 2016/679) (the “UK GDPR”), as well as compliance under HIPAA (“HIPAA”).

We keep our Privacy Policy under regular review and we will post any modifications or changes to this Privacy Policy on this page. This version was last updated on 15th May, 2024. 

Privacy Policy of Paradym Health Inc.

1. Who We Are and How to Contact Us
  • Paradym Health Inc is the Data Controller (for the purposes of the UK GDPR and HIPAA) of your Personal Data. Our address is: 447 Broadway 2nd Floor Suite #1892, New York, New York 10013, United States.
  • Contact: You can contact us by emailing: info@paradymhealth.com.
  • Data Protection Officer: Our Data Protection Officer can be reached at sarah@paradymhealth.com for any questions related to our privacy practices, including HIPAA and GDPR compliance.
2. HIPAA Compliance
  • Paradym Health Inc is committed to compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This policy details the handling of Individually Identifiable Health Information (IIHI) as required by HIPAA.
  • PHI Handling:

At Paradym Health, we take the privacy and security of your Protected Health Information (PHI) with utmost seriousness. Our practices adhere to the standards set forth by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your PHI.

Usage of PHI:

We collect PHI solely for the purpose of providing our services, facilitating therapeutic interactions, and improving the overall client experience. This information may include, but is not limited to, demographic data, medical history, treatment plans, and progress notes.

PHI is utilized to:

  1. Facilitate Treatment: Your PHI is used by therapists and healthcare providers to assess your needs, develop personalized treatment plans, and monitor your progress towards therapeutic goals.
  2. Coordinate Care: In some instances, PHI may be shared with other healthcare professionals involved in your care to ensure continuity and coordination of services.
  3. Improve Services: Aggregated and anonymized PHI may be used for statistical analysis, research, and quality improvement initiatives to enhance the effectiveness of our platform and services.
Disclosure of PHI:

Paradym Health may disclose PHI under the following circumstances:

  1. With Your Consent: PHI may be disclosed with your explicit consent for specific purposes outlined in your consent form.
  2. As Required by Law: We may disclose PHI when required by federal, state, or local law, including but not limited to reporting obligations related to public health, safety, or legal proceedings.
  3. For Treatment, Payment, or Healthcare Operations: PHI may be shared with authorized individuals involved in your treatment, payment, or healthcare operations, as permitted by the HIPAA Privacy Rule.

Protection of PHI:

We employ robust safeguards to protect the confidentiality and security of your PHI, including:

  1. Administrative Safeguards: Implementing policies and procedures to ensure compliance with HIPAA regulations, providing employee training on privacy practices, and designating a Privacy Officer responsible for overseeing privacy initiatives.
  2. Technical Safeguards: Utilizing encryption, access controls, and secure transmission methods to safeguard PHI stored on our servers and transmitted over networks.
  3. Physical Safeguards: Securing physical facilities and equipment housing PHI to prevent unauthorized access or theft.

In the event of a breach or unauthorized disclosure of PHI, Paradym Health has established procedures for promptly investigating and responding to incidents, including notification to affected individuals and regulatory authorities as required by law.

  • Business Associate Agreements (BAAs): We enter into BAAs with all third-party service providers who may handle PHI on our behalf to ensure that they also maintain the confidentiality and security of PHI.

3. Your Rights Under HIPAA
  • Access to Your PHI: You have the right to inspect and copy the PHI that we maintain about you.
  • Amendments: You may ask us to amend your health information if you believe it is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Accounting of Disclosures: You may request an accounting of disclosures, detailing how your PHI has been shared with third parties.
  • Restrictions on Use: You have the right to request restrictions on the use and disclosure of your PHI.
  • Complaints: If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with us or with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, here.

4. Your rights Under GDPR
  • Request access to your Personal Data. This enables you to receive a copy of the Personal Data we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it.
  • Request correction of the Personal Data that we hold about you. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you corrected.
  • Request erasure of your Personal Data. This enables you to ask us to delete or remove Personal Data where there is no good reason for us continuing to process it. You also have the right to ask

us to delete or remove your Personal Data where you have exercised your right to object to processing (see below).

  • Object to processing of your Personal Data. This right exists where we are relying on a Legitimate Interest as the legal basis for our processing and there is something about your

particular situation, which makes you want to object to processing on this ground. You also have the right to object where we are processing your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes.

  • Request the restriction of processing of your Personal Data. This enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of Personal Data about you, for example if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it.
  • Request the transfer of your Personal Data. We will provide to you, or a third party you have chosen, your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format. Note that this right only relates to automated information which you initially provided consent for us to use

or where we used the information to perform a contract with you.

  • Withdraw consent. This right only exists where we are relying on consent to process your Personal Data (“Consent Withdrawal”). If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to

provide you with access to the certain specific functionalities of our Site and/or Application and/or the Guided Process Programme. We will advise you if this is the case at the time you withdraw your consent.

How to exercise your rights

If you want to exercise any of the rights described above, please contact us using the contact details here: info@paradymhealth.com.  

Typically, you will not have to pay a fee to access your Personal Data (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, except in relation to Consent Withdrawal, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive, or, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances.

We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your Personal Data (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is a security measure to ensure that Personal Data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. We may also contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request to speed up our response.

We try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. Occasionally it may take us longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or you have made a number of requests. In this case, we will notify you and keep you updated.


If you would like to make a complaint regarding this Privacy Policy or our practices in relation to your Personal Data, please contact us at: info@paradymhealth.com

We will reply to your complaint as soon as we can.

If you feel that your complaint has not been adequately resolved, you also have the right to contact your state’s authority for data protection. You can find the appropriate contact authority here. If you are based in the UK you may contact the Information Commissioner’s Office, the UK regulator for data protection issues. If you are based in the European Union (EU), you may contact your local supervisory authority (see here). 

Marketing communications  preferences.

You can ask us to stop sending you marketing messages at any time by logging into the Application and checking or unchecking relevant boxes to adjust your marketing preferences.

Please note that where you opt out of receiving marketing messages we will still contact you regarding, and process Personal Data in connection with, non-marketing matters, such as purchases, subscription renewals, announcements and updates regarding the Site and/or Application and/or the Platform, security alerts and support.

5. How We Use and Disclose Your Personal Data

  • What Personal Data we collect.
  • All the Personal Data we collect, both from you and from third parties about you, is outlined in the table below.

Before you read that table, it might be useful to explain what “Personal Data” is. The HIPAA Privacy Rule and definition of “Individually Identifiable Health Information” can be found here. GDPR definition of Personal Data can be found here. Essentially, it means: information about an individual, from which that individual is either directly identified or can be identified.

It does not include ‘anonymous data’ (i.e., information where the identity of an individual has been permanently removed).

However, it does include ‘indirect identifiers’ or ‘pseudonymous data’ (i.e., information which alone doesn’t identify an individual but, when combined with certain additional and reasonably accessible information, could be attributed to a particular person).

Category of Personal Data collected
What this means
Identity Data
First name, surname, username or similar identifier, title and date of birth.
Contact Data
Your email address. Apple, our platform provider, may also collect your home address, billing address and telephone number.
Financial Data
Apple, our platform provider, may collect your bank account and payment card details, on our behalf.
Transaction Data
Details about payments to and from you and other details of subscriptions and services you have purchased from us. Apple, our platform provider, may collect data in respect of your transactions with third parties (including your credit history).
Marketing Data
Your preferences in receiving marketing from us.
Behavioural Data
Inferred or assumed information relating to your behaviour and interests, based on your online activity. This is most often collated and grouped into “segments” (e.g., there may be a segment for men, living in London and aged under 25, who like sports).
Technical Data
Internet protocol (IP) address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access the Site or Application or use our services.
Mental Health Data
Your goals and aspirations before starting the App Programme, information about the status of your mental health that you may share with us through the Application or otherwise: wellbeing, life satisfaction, depression, emotional awareness, and anxiety.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

Aggregated Data

We also collect, use and share “Aggregated Data” such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose. Aggregated Data may be derived from your Personal Data, but once in aggregated form it will

not constitute Personal Data for the purposes of HIPAA or GDPR as this data does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. However, if we combine or connect Aggregated Data with your Personal Data so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as Personal Data which will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Special Categories of Personal Data

GDPR defines “Special Category Data” as Personal Data relating to one’s: (i) racial or ethnic origin, (ii) political opinions, (iii) religious or philosophical beliefs, (iv) trade union membership, (v) genetic data, (vi) biometric data, (vii) health, (viii) sex life, or (ix) sexual orientation. We do not ask you for, or intend to collect, any “Special Categories of Personal Data” about you other than to the extent that the Mental Health Data referred to above amounts to information about your health. 

Where we do collect and process Mental Health Data about you, we only do so on the basis of your prior explicit consent and for the specified purpose(s).

We do not collect any information about criminal convictions and offences. We ask that you do not voluntarily provide any information about criminal convictions and offences to us. 

How we use your Personal Data and why.

We will only use your Personal Data for the purposes for which we collected it as listed below, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose.

If we need to use your Personal Data for an unrelated purpose, we will update this Privacy Policy and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do so.

What is our “legal basis” for processing your Personal Data?

We want to provide you with the most helpful service we can. In respect of each of the purposes for which we use your Personal Data, the GDPR requires us to ensure that we have a “legal basis” for that use. Most commonly, we will rely on one of the following legal bases:

  • Where we need to perform a contract (i.e., a subscription) we are about to enter into or have entered into with you (“Contractual Necessity”).
  • Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests and your interests and fundamental rights do not

override those interests (“Legitimate Interests”). More detail about the specific legitimate interests pursued in respect of each Purpose we use your Personal Data for is set out in the table below.

We have set out below, in a table format, the legal bases we rely on in respect of the relevant purposes for which we use your Personal Data.

Category(ies) of Personal Data involved
Why do we do this
Our legal basis for this use of data
Account Creation
  • Identity Data
  • Contact Data
To register you as a new customer.
Contractual Necessity.
To process payments for subscriptions to the Site and/or Application (and their associated services and functionalities, including the Guided Process Programme)
  • Identity Data
  • Contact Data
  • Finance Data
  • Transaction Data
To process and deliver your order including manage payments, fees and charges.
Contractual Necessity.
Fraud Prevention
  • Identity Data
  • Contact Data
To keep the Site and/or Application, our services and associated systems operational and secure.
Legitimate Interests.
We have a legitimate interest in ensuring the ongoing security and proper operation of our services, Site and associated IT services and networks.
  • Technical Data
To track issues that might be occurring on our systems.
Legitimate Interests.
It is in our legitimate interests that we are able to monitor and ensure the proper operation of our Site and/orApplication and associated systems and services.
  • Identity Data
  • Contact Data
  • Marketing Data
To form a view on what we think you may want or need, or what may be of interest to you. This is how we decide which services and offers may be relevant for you.
Legitimate Interests.
We have a legitimate interest in providing you with updates on our Site and/or Application and related offers where you have purchased or shown interest in similar services from us.
Operation of the Guided Process Programme
  • Identity Data
  • Contact Data
  • Mental Health Data
  • To assign you to a group of participants for the coaching sessions;
  • To contact you in connection with any follow up information arising from your Zoom sessions; 
  • To provide you with a ‘Wellbeing Score’ from time to time to enable you to track your progress during the course of the Guided Process Programme.

What happens when you do not provide necessary Personal Data?

Where we need to process your Personal Data either to comply with law, or to perform the terms of a contract we have with you and you fail to provide that data when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract we have or are trying to enter into with you (for example, to provide you with the functionalities of the Site and/or Application and/or the Guided Process Programme).

In this case, we may have to stop you using our Site and/or Application and/or the Guided Process Programme but we will notify you if this is the case at the time.

Personal Data from Third Party Sources

In addition to the Personal Data that we collect directly from you (as described in the section immediately above this one), we also collect certain of your Personal Data from third party sources. These sources are broken down in the table below, together with a description of whether they are publicly available or not.

Third party data source
Publicly available?
Category(ies) or other types of personal data received.
Social Media Sites
  • Identity Data
  • Contact Data
  • Behavioural Data
  • Technical Data
  • Minimum Necessary Standard: We apply the minimum necessary standard when using or disclosing PHI, limiting the amount of information utilized to the minimum necessary to perform the task.
5. Security Measures
  • We implement robust security measures to prevent your Personal Data and PHI from being accidentally lost, used, accessed in an unauthorized way, altered, or disclosed.
6. Breach Notification
  • In compliance with HIPAA, we will notify you and the relevant authorities within 60 days if a breach of your PHI occurs.
7. Changes to Our Privacy Policy
  • We keep our Privacy Policy under regular review and will post any modifications on this page. This version was last updated on 15th May, 2024.
8. Contacting Us
  • If you have any questions about this policy or our health information privacy practices, please contact our Data Protection Officer at sarah@paradymhealth.com

How we use cookies & other tracking or profiling technologies.

What are cookies?

We may collect information using “cookies”. Cookies are small data files stored on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device by a website. We may use both session cookies (which expire once you close your web browser) and persistent cookies (which stay on your computer or mobile device until you delete them) to provide you with a more personal and interactive experience on our Site.We use two broad categories of cookies:

  • first party cookies, served directly by us to your computer or mobile device; and
  • third party cookies, which are served by our partners or service providers on our Site.

Cookies we use

Our Site uses the following types of cookies for the purposes set out below:

Type of cookie
Essential Cookies
These cookies are essential to provide you with services available through our Site and to enable you to use some of its features. For example, they help the content of the pages you request to load quickly. Without these cookies, the services that you have asked for cannot be provided, and we only use these cookies to provide you with those services.
Functionality Cookies
These cookies allow our Site to remember choices you make when you use our Site, such as remembering your language preferences, and remembering the changes you make to other parts of our Site which you can customise. The purpose of these cookies is to provide you with a more personal experience and to avoid you having to re-enter your preferences every time you visit our Site.
Analytics and Performance Cookies
These cookies are used to collect information about traffic to our Site and how users use our Site. The information gathered via these cookies does not “directly” identify any individual visitor. However, it may render such visitors “indirectly identifiable”. This is because the information collected is typically linked to a pseudonymous identifier associated with the device you use to access our Site. The information collected is aggregated and anonymous. It includes the number of visitors to our Site, the websites that referred them to our Site, the pages they visited on our Site, what time of day they visited our Site, whether they have visited our Site before, and other similar information. We use this information to help operate our Site more efficiently, to gather broad demographic information and to monitor the level of activity on our Site. We use Google Analytics for this purpose. Google Analytics uses its own cookies. It is only used to improve how our Site works. You can find out more information about Google Analytics cookies here:

You can find out more about how Google protects your data here: www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html.
Social Media Cookies
These cookies are used when you share information using a social media sharing button or “like” button on our Site or you link your account or engage with our content on or through a social networking website such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+. The social network will record that you have done this.

Disabling cookies

You can typically remove or reject cookies via your browser settings. In order to do this, follow the instructions provided by your browser (usually located within the “settings”, “help” “tools” or “edit” facility). Many browsers are set to accept cookies until you change your settings.

If you do not accept our cookies, you may experience some inconvenience in your use of our Site. For example, we may not be able to recognise your computer or mobile device and you may need to log in every time you visit our Site.

Further information about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your computer or mobile device and how to manage and delete them, visit www.allaboutcookies.org.

You can also prevent the use of Google Analytics relating to your use of our Site by downloading and installing the browser plugin available via this link: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en-GB]

We may also use Flash cookies (which are also known as Flash Local Shared Object (“LSOs”)) on our Site to collect and store information about your use of our Site. Unlike other cookies, Flash cookies cannot be removed or rejected via your browser settings.

Blocking Flash Cookies

If you do not want Flash cookies stored on your computer or mobile device, you can adjust the settings of your Flash player to block Flash LSO storage using the tools contained in the Website Storage Settings Panel at

https://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager07.html. You can also control Flash LSOs by going to the Global Storage Settings Panel at https://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager03.html and following the instructions. Please note that setting the Flash Player to restrict or limit acceptance of Flash LSOs may reduce or impede the functionality of some Flash applications, including, potentially, Flash applications used in connection with our Site.

Pixel Tags

We may also use pixel tags (which are also known as web beacons and clear GIFs) on our Site to track the actions of users on our Site. Unlike cookies, which are stored on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device by a website, pixel tags are embedded invisibly on webpages. Pixel tags measure the success of our marketing campaigns and compile statistics about usage of the Site, so that we can manage our content more effectively.

Mobile Advertising Identifiers

We may collect, and may associate information with, mobile advertising IDs (such as iOS Advertising Identifiers and Google’s Advertising IDs) on the Sites. These are unique identifiers (which are resettable) set by the Sitelicable mobile operating system provider (“Mobile Advertising IDs”).

How to opt-out of / reset Mobile Advertising IDs iOS:

  • Go to ’Settings’
  • Scroll down to ‘Privacy’
  • Scroll down to ‘Advertising’
  • Shift the ‘Limit Ad Tracking’ slider to the right.

Reset your iOS Advertising Identifier: if at any time you wish to reset your iOS Advertising Identifier, you can do so by replacing the final step with “Click on ‘Reset Advertising Identifier. 

  • Go to ‘Settings’
  • Scroll down and click on ‘Google’
  • Scroll down and click on ‘Ads’
  • Shift the ‘Opt out of Ads Personalisation’ slider to the right.

Reset your Android Advertising ID: if at any time you wish to reset your Android Advertising ID, you can do so by replacing the final step with “Click on ‘Reset advertising id’”.]

Do Not Track Signals

Some Internet browsers may be configured to send "Do Not Track" signals to the online services that you visit. We currently do respond to do not track signals. To find out more about "Do Not Track," please visit http://www.allaboutdnt.com.

No Cross Device Tracking

Although we collect information via the various “tracking technologies” referred to above – we do not engage in ‘cross-device tracking’.

This means that we do not link information collected via multiple identifiers across your different devices and browsers to create a consolidated picture of your cross-device online activity or behaviour.

Who we share your Personal Data with.

The table below describes who we share your Personal Data with, what we share and why we share it.

Category(ies) of Personal Data we share.
Why we share it
Service Providers
  • Identity Data
  • Contact Data
  • Technical Data
Our service providers provide us with IT and system administration services.
  • Worldwide
Professional advisers
  • Identity Data
  • Contact Data
Our lawyers, bankers, auditors and insurers provide consultancy, banking, legal, insurance and accounting services.
  • Worldwide
Trained therapists 
  • Identity Data
  • Contact Data
  • Mental Health Data
We have a BAA in place with our therapist partners. Under your consent, your information will be shared with the specific partner you’re working with. 
  • UK
HM Revenue & Customs, regulators and other authorities
  • Identity Data
  • Contact Data
Authorities may require reporting of processing activities in certain circumstances
  • Worldwide

Data transfers

As you can see from the above, we share your Personal Data with certain external third parties.

We endeavour to ensure that people to whom we provide Personal Data hold it subject to appropriate safeguards and controls. Whenever we transfer your Personal Data out of the country, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring at least one of the following safeguards is implemented:

  • We may transfer your Personal Data to countries that have been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for Personal Data by the European Commission. For further details, see European Commission: Adequacy of the protection of Personal Data in non-EU countries.
  • Where we use service providers outside Europe, we may use specific contracts approved by the European Commission, which give Personal Data the same protection it has in Europe. For further details, see European Commission: Model contracts for the transfer of Personal Data to third countries.

Please contact us if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring our Personal Data out of the UK.

How we keep your Personal Data secure.

We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your Personal Data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered or disclosed.

We limit access to your Personal Data to those employees and other staff who have a business need to have such access. All such people are subject to a contractual duty of confidentiality.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any actual or suspected Personal Data breach. In the event of any such breach, we have systems in place to work with applicable regulators. In addition, in certain circumstances (e.g., where we are legally required to do so) we may notify you of breaches affecting your Personal Data.

How long we store your Personal Data.

We will only retain your Personal Data for so long as we reasonably need to use it for the purposes set out above see section on “How we use your Personal Data and why.” Unless a longer retention period is required by law (for example for regulatory purposes).

The table below shows our standard retention practices:

Category of Personal Data
Retention period
  • Behavioural Data
  • Marketing Data
For so long as you remain a customer of ours.
  • Identity Data
  • Contact Data
  • Financial Data
  • Transactional Data
  • Technical Data
  • Mental Health Data
For so long as retention is necessary to fulfil the Purposes/Use for which it is used (see “How we use your Personal Data and why.”).

For so long as you are participating in the Guided Process Programme.

Our policy on children.

Our Site and/or Application and/or the Platform is not intended for children below 16 and we do not knowingly collect data relating to such children.

Third party links.

This Site and/or the Application may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share your Personal Data. We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy statements. When you leave our Site and/or Application, we encourage you to read the privacy policy of every website you visit.

Paradym Health Inc, 2024